Ivy Scoresby 

Interview with Ivy Scoresby

(Conducted October 14, 2000 by her Grandson Michael McClellan)

Question: What are your earliest childhood memories?

Answer: Christmas was very special in our family even though there were just me and my sister. We always had a pretty tree and gifts and we always had a lot of fun. One year we had the measles and Santa Clause came to our house. I remember going sleigh riding and playing in the snow and making playhouse out of snow. I remember riding on a train when I was about three or four. I remember my cousin who lived near by was kicked by a horse and was killed. I remember loving little chickens and used to watch them by the hour. I remember working in the garden and in the fields and having fun while we worked by telling stories and singing songs and just talking with each other. We had family get-togethers with cousins, aunts and uncles and everyone played games together. We always had good times together.

Question: What do you remember about your parents?

Answer: My parents were very loving and supportive and were always interested in what I was doing. They were hard working, very honest and always set a good example. They studied and wrote poetry and had a book published. They went to college with me my freshman year. I knew they loved me and would do anything for me. They lost their first three children so we were very special to them and I knew if I did anything very wrong it would hurt them deeply. They were married 71 years. And mother lived to be 90 and dad was nearly 98 and left us with many treasured memories.

Question: How well did you know your grandparents?

Answer: Both sets of my grandparents lived a mile or two away in the same small town so I always knew them. I saw them quite often and we all lived in the same ward.

Question: Tell me what a normal day would be like as a teenager?

Answer: I got up about 6:30 or 7:00 and mother took us to the bus stop about five miles away. I had good friends and took hard classes in High School like Chemistry, Physics, Latin, Advanced Algebra and so I had a lot of studies to do each night. We didn't have TV but I listened to good music, like the Bell Telephone Hour and went to bed about 9:00. I dated quite a bit in High School and attended nearly all the main dances and enjoyed my teenage years. In the summer we worked in die yard, the garden, we hood and thinned beets, cut and picked potatoes and did quite a bit of canning. We were always busy.

Question: What in your opinion were the greatest inventions of your day and why?

Answer: We have had some many and it is hard to say which of the inventions would be the greatest but I will just fist a few. Jet airplanes, television, x-ray, cellular phones, microwaves, automatic washers and dryers, computers and printers, fax machines, answering machines, ice makers, garage door openers, CD's, video cameras, auto shift on cars, antibiotics, vaccines ... etc. They all made life, easier in a lot of ways but also made life harder in some ways. Question: In your opinion were the greatest historical events of your day and what do you remember about them? Answer: Word War II. I remember everyone was very patriotic and there was a great love for this country and for our flag. I remember y9oung men leaving home and going to war. I remember hearing airplanes flying over and wondering if enemy planes would come here. I remember Pearl Harbor and the hydrogen bomb. I remember gas and sugar being rationed. I remember a group of Japanese meeting on 1st street in Idaho Falls and how the FBI was watching them. I remember having prisoners of war work in our beet fields and how the guards had guns so they couldn't escape. There were lawyers, doctors and highly educated men in the group. I remember the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Kennedy being shot, the first trip to the moon. We watched the landing on the moon and we though it would be impossible. The Vietnam war was a difficult war for they did not go to war to win and so many lost their lives in some ways it seems a political war.

Question: What message would you want to leave with your posterity?

Answer: Live, the Gospel and stay active in the Church. Live a good, clean life. Set a good example. Remember there is no right way to do a wrong thing. Be kind and loving to everyone. Love your family and do things together. Be grateful for what you have. Work hard but take time to enjoy life, to go places and see things. Have patience, be honest, be thoughtful of others, and don't worry what others think or do. Don't live beyond your means and always pay your tithing and save some of your money. Be good parents by showing love but also discipline to your children. Teach them to be responsible for what they do. Love one another. Live so we can be an eternal family together forever.

Geneology of Michael McClellan Geneology of Ivy Scoresby